Pokemon is really great! i have a variety of pokemon which I like but I am not going to go into much detail because of reasons so yeah!
Kon'nichiwa watashi wa pokemon o aishiteimasu. Kono u~ebusaito wa watashi to pokemon ni tsuite no monodesu (to watashi no bideonode watashi wa anata ga negatte imasu)! also known as... Hello I love Pokemon and this website is about me and pokemon (and my videos which `i hope you enjoy!).
well i can answer that, I am a big fan of Anime which most of it is in Japanese and plus they have cute styles of drawing. I hope that answers your question so yeah!
Did you know that Hatsune Miku did Nyan Cat's voice. They are both cute and have amazing voices so no suprise that they are the same vocaloid (still, I did not know this until some video so yeah, learning useless facts everyday!) :)
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